tennis court size vs badminton court size

tennis court size vs badminton court size

For many sport-lovers, badminton and tennis are two of the familiar racket-using sports that are favored worldwide. Some people also suppose that the badminton courtroom bears resemblance to the tennis courtroom. A question has been raised that "Are badminton and tennis courts the aforementioned in reality?" If not, and then what are the remarkable differences between them?

If you lot find yourself stuck with the reply, stay on this site. This article will provide all the detailed explanations and a thorough comparison to give y'all the precise answer!

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Are badminton and tennis courts the same or different?
Are badminton and tennis courts the same or different?


  • 1 Are Badminton and Tennis Courts The Same?
  • 2 How Are Badminton Courts Unlike From Tennis Courts?
    • two.1 i. Court Sizes
    • ii.2 2. Court Surfaces
    • 2.3 3. Flooring Systems
      • 2.3.ane 1. Bespeak elastic
      • 2.3.ii ii. Mixed elastic
      • 2.iii.3 3. Area elastic
      • two.3.4 4. Combined elastic
    • ii.4 four. Places to Play
  • iii Tin You lot Play Badminton On A Tennis Court?
  • 4 Often Asked Questions
    • 1. Are Tennis and Badminton Shoes Similar?
    • iv.2 2. Which is More than Difficult: Tennis or Badminton?
    • four.3 3. Is There A Deviation In Size Between A Lawn tennis Court and A Badminton Court?
    • 4.4 4. Can four players play badminton and tennis?
    • 4.5 5. What is the main deviation in rackets betwixt badminton and lawn tennis?
    • iv.6 6. Is It Possible For Lawn tennis Players To Play Badminton?
  • 5 Conclusion

Are Badminton and Tennis Courts The Same?

The answer is NO; the badminton courts are dissimilar from the tennis courts in some aspects. Though they might look the same, the courts of lawn tennis are much bigger than badminton courts. Some newbies misunderstand this as they have not grown familiar with their functions.

Aside from the size, both racket sports courts considerably vary in surface, floor systems, and places to play. To have a better grasp on this issue, follow the section beneath for a detailed comparison.

How Are Badminton Courts Different From Tennis Courts?

Here, nosotros are going to discuss farther into four categories to clear up the question, "Are badminton and tennis courts the same?"

ane. Court Sizes

The size of badminton and tennis courts is the most obvious stardom. As nosotros mentioned before, tennis courts are significantly larger than badminton courts. In particular, the size of tennis courts is nearly 1.v times bigger than that of badminton.

Co-ordinate to the International Tennis Federation, a tennis courtroom must be 27 feet (8.23 meters) broad for singles and 36 feet (10.97 meters) wide for doubles.

The length of a tennis courtroom is around 78 feet (23.78 meters), which is longer than that of badminton. This is because the lawn tennis sport needs more than infinite to play to avoid the ball from billowy too far.

If the size of a tennis courtroom is as pocket-size as badminton, information technology tin easily injure spectators when unexpected situations occur.

The tennis court size
The tennis court size

In contrast, badminton courts should be 17 feet (5.18 meters) wide for singles, and 20 feet (six.1 meters) broad for doubles, regarding the Badminton Earth Federation.

The badminton court size
The badminton court size

Annotation that these mentioned dimensions are merely about the sizes of the courts. To create a spacious and comfortable place for players, both international organizations suggest having boosted infinite around the court.

Information technology is reasonable to aggrandize the court for lawn tennis considering well-nigh tennis players spend their time playing outside of the court rather than inside the court.

2. Court Surfaces

There are iv unlike court surfaces in sports following the ITF, including clay, carpet, grass, and difficult court. So, are these court surfaces suitable for both badminton and tennis?

In fact, iv courts are used at all levels of lawn tennis competition except at the professional person stage, where carpets or hard courts are not allowed. Only put,  these court surfaces will support tennis in any way.

Please make certain that you take enough grip underfoot to be capable of altering the management of movement to avoid unwanted situations. More than chiefly, you have to motion or run longer distances when playing tennis compared to badminton.

Unlike tennis, badminton allows but one court surface constructed of PVC or other synthetic materials. Permanent and portable courts, built of synthetic resin or wood, are used in international level tournaments or below, as long equally they match the BWF regulations.

Another point to note is that you should never play badminton on hard surfaces like physical due to the possible risk of injury.

Read "Are Badminton And Tennis The Aforementioned? Time To Clear Your Mind"  for more details

Avoiding playing badminton on the hardcourt
Avoiding playing badminton on the hardcourt

3. Flooring Systems

The rules for badminton and lawn tennis accept their own reasons. The flooring system volition decide on your movements in the court smoothly or not. In fact, tennis necessitates a lot of running, so a perfect courtroom surface would be ideal to cease and begin running.

By contrast, since badminton requires y'all to move faster across shorter distances, you need a greater grip to stop and commencement moving. In addition, badminton makes yous twisting and turning more equally you lot must move side to side and move back and forth on the court.

Having poor grip can atomic number 82 to twisted knees, ankles, and even slips, which are unexpected at any level.

Badminton requires a lot of jumping and general agility, and traveling effectually the court with speed and rubberband points. Without a superior court to play on, knee injuries are unavoidable.

Floor systems in sports are divided into four chief types. These are:

1. Bespeak elastic

Signal elastic is similar a synthetic flooring material used for covering an existing surface like concrete. This textile is often wet poured polyurethane.

The chief purpose of point rubberband is to provide an equal playing field and reduce players' impact. Even so, because it is only a pinnacle layer, the displacement region when an impact occurs tends to be modest.

2. Mixed elastic

A mixed flexible flooring organisation contains ii main parts: a point top elastic layer and a synthetic area-stiffening. While the former element is stretchy, the latter is placed beneath it on top of the base floor.

When the system is utilized solitary, it is likely to generate a larger region for displacement, giving information technology a superior surface for badminton.

3. Surface area elastic

Area elastic is quite separate from other types of rubberband flooring systems every bit it has a raised tiptop layer above the sub-floor. The superlative layer floor is supported past a construction of beams, which generate hollow areas in the floor that allow information technology to bend. This organisation provides the best region of displacement for force upon affect.

Area elastic flooring system
Surface area elastic flooring arrangement

iv. Combined elastic

Lastly, the combined elastic is the greatest flooring organization for badminton considering information technology combines the advantages of both signal adaptability and area flexibility. The system comes with a flexible expanse pattern and an adjustable point system on top. It has a big influence on the absorption and endurance backdrop of a point elastic system for sports.

In general, 4 systems come with different characteristics and materials to accommodate each sport. The point rubberband flooring organization is inappropriate for badminton; the 3 left are still good to play.

4. Places to Play

Different from tennis, which originated every bit an outdoor sport, badminton features no specific regulations regarding outdoor courts. This is because the sport was never designed to play outdoors.

Lawn tennis stems from an outdoor lawn activity and has been changed to suit the indoor playing fashion. Badminton, on the other hand, has never had an outdoor court analogue every bit it seems impractical to play exterior.

People mostly play badminton indoors.
People mostly play badminton indoors.

A shuttlecock only weighs from four to six grams, which is much smaller than a tennis ball (effectually 60 grams). As a outcome, it is impossible to play badminton outdoors when information technology is windy or pouring because a shuttlecock is very light.

Can You Play Badminton On A Tennis Courtroom?

No, yous cannot play badminton on a lawn tennis court for many reasons. First, tennis and badminton courts are different in size. Plainly, they crave different skills and speeds to move and run effectually the courts. Especially in professional competitions, it is not a good idea to play badminton on tennis courts.

Read "Sports Knowledge: Can Y'all Play Badminton On A Tennis Courtroom?" for more than details

Another reason is that the positions of the badminton and tennis nets are too dissimilar. Regarding measurements, the top of the tennis court's net is around 36 inches, which is virtually 30 inches more a badminton net (60 inches).

Put another way, playing badminton on a lawn tennis court will limit your power and power to striking the shuttlecock and beat off your competitors.

Moreover, people always play tennis outside and badminton inside. As a shuttlecock is much lighter than a lawn tennis ball, it volition get in the wrong management and affect the issue of the competition when the atmospheric condition turns bad.

Ofttimes Asked Questions

1. Are Tennis and Badminton Shoes Like?

The answer is NO. Badminton shoes are mostly lighter than tennis shoes. In reality, each sport has dissimilar types of shoes to suit its courts. Like to tennis shoes, they are designed for but a specific tennis court surface. It means these shoes will non match with the badminton sport.

If you wear tennis shoes to play badminton, it may somehow limit your movements on the courts, leading to unexpected operation. Therefore, many experts advise against wearing tennis shoes to play badminton and vice versa.

You should not wear tennis shoes to play badminton and vice versa
You should not wear tennis shoes to play badminton and vice versa

2. Which is More Hard: Lawn tennis or Badminton?

Well, it is not easy to state which i is harder. Each type of sport has its ain advantages and challenges; it all depends on the power and preference of each person.

However, if we put them on the calibration, badminton seems complicated to play compared to its counterpart. Badminton requires you to have strength in speed, explosive power, and even agility. Information technology also needs more than stroke variants than lawn tennis, and so at that place is a lot more to master.

iii. Is There A Difference In Size Between A Tennis Courtroom and A Badminton Courtroom?

As we mentioned in a higher place, a tennis court is nearly i.5x larger than a badminton court. Hence, the tennis sport requires a lot more energy, endurance, and plenty of stamina.

four. Tin can iv players play badminton and tennis?

Definitely YES, why not? Both badminton and tennis sports allow four people to play on the double court. Four people tin easily and comfortably move and run around.

Please remember that four people should not play badminton in a single court every bit it is simply suitable for ii people. Imagine that you tin play comfortably and perform well when yous have a express space to motion and run, or fifty-fifty worse when you strike fair in your partner's face up.

Thus, four players who play badminton and tennis need to notice the size of the court before starting to create an heady friction match and ensure everyone's concrete wellness.

5. What is the chief difference in rackets betwixt badminton and lawn tennis?

Players of both sports accept to utilize rackets, but they are designed with different sizes and features. Tennis rackets are much bigger than badminton ones. Equally you may non know, a badminton racket has a smaller grip and a smaller noise face than a tennis racket.

Additionally, the shaft of a tennis racket is reasonably solid and durable. This is partly because of the tennis brawl's heavier weight, which takes more force to return to the opponent than a shuttlecock.

A tennis racket is bigger than a badminton racket
A tennis racket is bigger than a badminton racket

6. Is It Possible For Tennis Players To Play Badminton?

There is no specific answer to this question. In general, tennis players can play badminton easily. Still, it volition be tough for a thespian to become a professional badminton or lawn tennis player because these ii sports come up with different regulations and requirements.

Sometimes, tennis players will struggle to play badminton since their muscle memory has been trained to strike a shot in a particular manner.


At start sight, badminton and tennis courts seem very similar. It is at present clear that they are totally different in many factors: court sizes, surfaces, flooring systems, and places to play. Y'all need to detect these differences to choose a proper court to play both sports comfortably and enjoyably.

If someone asks y'all, "Are badminton and tennis courts the same?" Will you exist confident to respond?. Surely yous will be after reading this article. We hope to provide enough detailed information to clear up your queries. Thanks for reading, and encounter you in our next post!

tennis court size vs badminton court size

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